The Fiber that Brings Canton Together
Don’t forget to refresh this website as changes are made almost daily.
Community Television’s “best of” is now in HD for BOTH ComCast (Channel 1073) and Verizon (2143) customers.
ComCast and Verizon Local Station “on your box” CHANNEL LINE-UP:
Public “Community Station” ComCast 8 and 1071 and Verizon 43
Educational “Student Station” ComCast 6 and 1070 and Verizon 41
Government “Government Station” ComCast 22 and 1076 and Verizon 42
It all looks so much better on HD:
ComCast: HD 1073 Verizon HD: 2143
March 24-30, 2025
“Anyone can have an opinion. An informed one takes work.”
CCTv’s programming helps you stay informed about the issues that impact Canton.
Take the time to watch Canton Community Tv’s extensive videos and LIVE coverage or listen on CCTv’s two podcasts
LIVE links are black buttons below and sometimes created as late as the day of the LIVE event.
Search for past programming: “Videos on Demand” (VOD): HERE
Meetings LIVE/Streamed via Zoom: TBA
This is for viewing purposes only. To participate you must sign into the Board Zoom meeting ZOOM LINK available on the town website. LINK: “agendas.”
LIVE on the “Government Station” via your cable box: ComCast 22 and Verizon 42.
Often LIVE on Verizon HD 2143 and ComCast HD 1073!
Or stream on your computer or phone/ipad using the link “Stream” button below. .
LIVE: From Town Hall: TBA
LIVE from Town Hall’s Salah Room
LIVE on the “Government Station” via your cable box: ComCast 22 and Verizon 42. Often LIVE on ComCast HD 1073 and Verizon HD 2143. Or stream on your computer or phone/ipad using the link “Stream” button below.
Remember to Check this space for updates on the next LIVE government hearing/meeting.
LIVE: From Pequitside Tavern: TBA
LIVE from Canton’s historic Tavern
LIVE on the “Community Station” via your cable box: ComCast 8 and Verizon 43. Or stream on your computer or phone/ipad using the link “Community Stream” button above.
Tavern held meetings will be seen on the Community Station and not “GOV” because of they often conflict with a LIVE meeting out of Town Hall which are on the Gov station. They will repeat over the GOV station.
Community Station LIVE & Streamed: TBA
LIVE on the “Community Station” via your cable box: ComCast 8 and Verizon 43. Often LIVE on Verizon HD 2143 and ComCast HD 1073. Or stream on your computer or phone/ipad using the link “Stream” button below.
The Student Station LIVE on Tv and Streamed LIVE: TBA
Watch LIVE on the “Student Station” on ComCast 6 and Verizon 41 or on Verizon HD 2143 and ComCast HD 1073!
Or stream on your device:
LIVE/Stream: TBA
ComCast 1073 and Verizon 2143.
To Stream hit the HD Stream button above
LIVE/ Streamed
School Committee: TBA
LIVE from the DLL at CHS:
LIVE on the “Student Station,” via your cable box: ComCast 6 and Verizon 41. Often on ComCast HD 1073 and Verizon HD 2143. Or stream on your computer or phone/iPad using the link “Stream” button below.
Remember to Check this space for updates on the next LIVE School Committee meeting
LIVE Coverage for the week of March 24-30, 2025
LIVE Streaming LINKS for your computerized devices are usually made on the day of the event and seen above.
Government meetings seen over ComCast 22 and Verizon 42 and LIVE streamed.
Most LIVE sports programming is on the Student Station: ComCast 6 and Verizon 41 and on HDTV. ComCast Customers: HD1073 and Verizon Customers: HD2143.
Programs and community events that are taped but not LIVE are not listed below.
This list of programs are repeated over the local stations and are converted to “Video On Demand”. SEE “VOD” search button above.
LIVE events week of March 24-30 to be updated soon
Taped events covered by CCTv are not listed here. They are played at a later, TV scheduled date but are also available on Video on Demand (VOD). You can search for VOD programs on this website.
Monday March. 17:
No LIVe shows
7pm: Select Board LIVE from Town Hall. Seen over the GOV station ComCast 22 and Verizon 42 and LIVE streamed using GOV stream.
7pm: Capital Planning LIVE Via Zoom. Seen over the Community Station: ComCast 8 and Verizon 41 and LIVE streamed using Community stream.
6:00pm: Planning Board LIVE from Town Hall. Seen over the GOV station ComCast 22 and Verizon 42 and LIVE streamed using GOV stream.
7pm: Finance Committee LIVE via Zoom Seen over GOV station ComCast 22 and Verizon 42 and LIVE streamed using GOV stream.
6:00pm: School Committee LIVE from the DLL at CHS. Seen over the Student Station, ComCast 6 and Verizon 41. Streamed using the Student Station
No LIVE programming today.
Saturday and Sunday :
No LIve programming
Search for all programming: “Videos on Demand” (VOD): HERE
You don’t have to sit and watch video to catch up on Canton Community Tv’s programming. Listen to the audio of interviews and important events on “The Canton Community MA Station Podcast” or catch up on government hearings with audio in your pocket with the “Canton, MA Select Board Plus Podcast” where you can listen to hearings and catch up as you go about your day.
The CHS Student Youtube Channel
Karen Read Hearings and related criminal cases:
CCTv has extensive coverage of the Karen Read hearings and related cases (“Canton 9” Aidan Kearney “Turtleboy” charges and expanded domestic charges) are available on the quick search below or on the VOD button directly below. Video in its entirety of these hearings is available in cases where cameras were allowed. In cases where cameras were not allowed, first-hand interviews are often available from those who were there. For a full sense of the Read case and its reverberations, seeing these hearings and related cases in their entirety, or hearing from those in the room where it happened, rather than only seeing video snippets seen on broadcast and social media, is extremely helpful.
Scroll down for quick links to the Karen Read hearings and related cases.
Search for all programming: “Videos on Demand” (VOD): HERE
Quick Links on the Karen Read Case and related hearings:
“On the go audio” allows you to catch up on local meetings through audio podcasts. Click to download the Podbean App. Already a podcast fan using Apple’s player? Search “Canton, MA Select Board PLUS Podcast” and “Follow” and you’ll be notified of new uploads. It’s a great way to stay informed on a busy schedule.
You follow the hearings on the “Government Station,” Comcast 22 and Verizon 42. But sometimes you just can’t sit in front of the screen. You know their voices. You can use audio podcasts to catch up on what’s happening at Canton’s local hearings. FREE.
Listen to CCTV’s latest interviews with Community Leaders, author speakers from the Canton Public Library, and the audio only from many other town events covered by CCTV. Can’t stay stuck in front of a TV or screen? Enjoy the pure pleasure of listening. On your podcast player search “The Canton Community MA Station Podcast”
CHS Events YouTube Station.
Point Your phone camera at the QR Code to easily download the “Canton Select Board Plus” Podbean App for free.
Easily transfer Canton meetings audio to your phone by getting the App just by pointing your phone camera at the QR code. Podcast Meeting audio is a free service from Canton Community Tv.